The Swedish Metabolomics Centre facilitates researchers to answer their questions by providing tailor-made metabolite and lipid analyses. SMC offers all analytical steps from sample preparation to data processing, for both untargeted and targeted analysis of low molecular weight compounds.
We focus on formalizing the inquiries into what is possible from an analytical chemical point of view. The service performs analyses efficiently according to standard operating procedures and the defined project descriptions, which are always established after discussion between the researcher and SMC. In order to be able to answer your question it is crucial for SMC to receive a detailed description of your project. If possible, send the inquiry to SMC at the planning stage of the research project or before the samples are sampled. The figures below show the workflow and the decision making process for all inquiries entering SMC.
SMC is an independent partner and will not be co-authors unless the work is performed as a part of the SMC research program Metabolomics 2.0. SMC can take on requests involving the setup of new analytical methods. If a request is too extensive, it will be moved for further evaluation to SMC’s research program Metabolomics 2.0. Our ambition is to make new methods available to the service platform after results are published by you as a researcher and/or through Metabolomics 2.0.
Learn what methods we use and what instruments we have.
Metabolomics Service
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